Навчальний комплект (Biology, Grade 7)

Biology, Grade 7

Külli Relve, Anne Kirk, Arvo Tuvikene, Piret Pappel, Elari Hain, Eve Mägi, Aime Randveer, Ülle Kollist
Автори збірника завдань
Külli Relve, Edith Maasik, Helle Järvalt, Aiki Jõgeva, Merike Kilk, Ana Valdmann, Evi Piirsalu

1. Field of Research of Biology 

1.1. What is science?
Для безкоштовного ознайомлення!
1.2. Research methods
1.3. In what way are different organisms alive?
1.4. Why and how are organisms classified?
1.5. Think and act
1.6. Revision tasks and tests for students

2. Characteristics of Vertebrates

2.1. Vertebrate and invertebrate animals
2.2. Senses are the window to the world
2.3. Fish have adapted to live in the water
2.4. Why are fish important?
2.5. What are amphibians?
2.6. Why are amphibians important?
2.7. Think and act
2.8. Revision tasks
2.9. Do all reptiles crawl?
2.10. Why are reptiles important?
2.11. Birds have adapted to fly
2.12. Why are birds important?
2.13. Why are mammals hairy?
2.14. Why are mammals important?
2.15. Think and act
2.16. Revision tasks and tests for students

3. Metabolism of Vertebrates

3.1. Metabolism – why is it necessary to digest food?
3.2. What do animals eat?
3.3. How do animals breathe?
3.4. How does blood circulate in the body?
3.5. Why is it good to have a warm body?
3.6. How to survive in difficult times?
3.7. Think and act
3.8. Revision tasks and tests for students

4. Reproduction and Development of Vertebrates

4.1. How do vertebrates reproduce? 
4.2. What happens to a fertilised egg?
4.3. Development through metamorphosis
4.4. Who takes care of offspring?
4.5. Think and act
4.6. Revision tasks and tests for students

5. Extra

5.1. Characteristics of vertebrate animals
5.2. Structure of a microscope and making a specimen slide
5.3. Scientific research method 
5.4. Impressum 

6. Lisad

6.1. Terms and definitions
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