
Who is the package intended for?

The package is intended for users with a teacher role, ie a school teacher who wants to use Opiq digital study kits in teaching.

Package includes all Foxcademy study materials which can be accessed on Foxcademy learning platform.

What do I have to do to use it?

License for the package is added automatically to every user as soon as teacher role is added to them in Opiq. In order for the teachers to use Opiq, their school must first create a school account. To do that, a school representative must send a letter of application to info@starcloud.ee.

Which kits are included in the package?

Package includes 397 primary and secondary school kits by Avita, Koolibri and Künnimees. All kits are in accordance with the national curriculum.

Foxcademy study materials can be accessed on Foxcademy learning platform.

How much does the license cost?

Free for school year 2020-21.

Package info
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