Kersti Kaldmäe, Anneli Kontson, Kärt Matiisen, Enno PaisÜlesannetekogu autorid
Kersti Kaldmäe, Anneli Kontson, Kärt Matiisen, Enno Pais, Malle SaksVäljaandja

Õppekomplektis on 53 peatükki ning 927 ülesannet, millest 571 on õpikus ja 356 ülesannetekogus.
Kersti Kaldmäe, Anneli Kontson, Kärt Matiisen, Enno Pais -
Ülesannetekogu autorid
Kersti Kaldmäe, Anneli Kontson, Kärt Matiisen, Enno Pais, Malle Saks -
Matemaatika -
9. klass -
Teose keel
Inglise keel -
Avita -
Riiklik õppekava 2011 -
Kuulub paketti
In the textbook, the theory and tasks are divided into smaller parts to ensure that the learning material is easier to grasp. The textbook is prepared in such a way that the student can study independently. The exercises are collected in slides, where the first slides contain exercises based on examples, while the back ones contain more complex thinking components. The textbook is compatible with the 9th grade mathematics paper textbook, but also contains approaches specific to a digital textbook.
1. How to Use this Book
Järg |
Peatükk |
1.1. | Explanations and Tips |
2. Mental Calculation and Algebra
3. Square Number and Square Root of a Number
Järg |
Peatükk |
3.1. | Square Root |
3.2. | Basic Operations with Square Roots |
4. Quadratic Function and Quadratic Equation
5. Elements of Simplifying Expressions
6. The Geometry of a Right-Angled Triangle
Järg |
Peatükk |
6.1. | Pythagorean Theorem (1) |
6.2. | Pythagorean Theorem (2) |
6.3. | Euclid's Theorem |
6.4. | Area of a Regular Polygon |
7. Trigonometry and Right Triangles
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Peatükk |
7.1. | Angle Units |
7.2. | Sine and Cosine of an Acute Angle |
7.3. | Sine and Cosine of an Acute Angle in a Right Triangle |
7.4. | Tangent of an Acute Angle |
7.5. | Angle of Elevation |
7.6. | Solving a Right Triangle |
8. Pyramid
Järg |
Peatükk |
8.1. | The Pyramid and its Elements |
8.2. | Surface Area and Volume of a Pyramid |
8.3. | A Regular Square Pyramid |
9. Solid of Revolution
Järg |
Peatükk |
9.1. | Solid of Revolution |
9.2. | Cylinder |
9.3. | Cone |
9.4. | Sphere |
10. For Reflection and Practice
Järg |
Peatükk |
10.1. | Tasks for Connecting Topics and Reflecting on Different Situations |
10.2. | Tasks for Analysing Everyday Information |
10.3. | Tasks in Algebra |
10.4. | Algebra, Easy and Fast |
10.5. | Investigating Shapes |
10.6. | Practice and Learn About Angles |
10.7. | Equations and Functions |
10.8. | Tasks from Mathematics Classics |
10.9. | Exam Revision. Algebraic Expressions |
10.10. | Exam Revision. Geometry. |
10.11. | Exam Revision. Functions |
11. Extras
Järg |
Peatükk |
11.1. | Definitions |
11.2. | Glossary |