Kersti Kaldmäe, Anneli Kontson, Kärt Matiisen, Enno PaisÜlesannetekogu autorid
Kersti Kaldmäe, Anneli Kontson, Kärt Matiisen, Enno Pais, Ülle Reinson, Malle SaksVäljaandja

Õppekomplektis on 78 peatükki ning 1350 ülesannet, millest 803 on õpikus ja 547 ülesannetekogus.
Kersti Kaldmäe, Anneli Kontson, Kärt Matiisen, Enno Pais -
Ülesannetekogu autorid
Kersti Kaldmäe, Anneli Kontson, Kärt Matiisen, Enno Pais, Ülle Reinson, Malle Saks -
Matemaatika -
7. klass -
Teose keel
Inglise keel -
Avita -
Riiklik õppekava 2011 -
Kuulub paketti
In this textbook, theory and practice activities have been divided into smaller subsections for a better grasp of the study material. The textbook has also been designed in a way that enables pupils to study on their own. The practice activities can be found in the so-called sliders, where the first slides provide exercises with examples, whereas the latter ones contain more challenging elements. This textbook matches the printed mathematics textbook for Year 7 and offers additional components typical of digital textbooks.
1. How to Use this Book
Järg |
Peatükk |
1.1. |
Explanations and Tips
Tasuta tutvumiseks! |
2. Percentages
Järg |
Peatükk |
2.1. | Percentages |
2.2. | Finding Part of a Number |
2.3. | Finding the Whole and Calculating Percentages |
2.4. | Expressing Ratios as Percentages |
2.5. | Change in Size as Percentages |
2.6. | Increase or Decrease by a Given Percentage |
2.7. | Percentage Exercises |
2.8. | Per Mille |
3. Operations with Rational Numbers
4. Exponentiation
5. Functions and their Graphs
6. Equations and Word Problems
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Peatükk |
6.1. | Equations and expressions |
6.2. | Proportional Relationship Tasks |
6.3. | Proportional distribution |
7. Linear Equations with One Unknown Variable
8. Polygons
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Peatükk |
8.1. | Polygons |
8.2. | The Sum of the Interior Angles of a Polygon |
8.3. | A Parallelogram and its Properties |
8.4. | Area of a Parallelogram |
8.5. | Rhombus and its Area |
9. Shape Combinations
Järg |
Peatükk |
9.1. | Circle and Circumference |
9.2. | Shapes and Formulas |
9.3. | Perimeters and Areas of Shapes |
10. Right Prisms
Järg |
Peatükk |
10.1. | Right Prism |
10.2. | Right Prisms- the Layout, Net, and Area |
10.3. | The Volume of a Prism |
10.4. | Combinations of Prisms |
11. Probability and Statistics
Järg |
Peatükk |
11.1. | The Concept of Probability |
11.2. | Frequency Tables and the Arithmetic Mean |
11.3. | Presentation of Data as a Diagram |
11.4. | Mode and Median |
12. Monomials or Terms
Järg |
Peatükk |
12.1. | Monomials or Single Terms |
12.2. | Combining Like Terms |
12.3. | Multiplication and Division |
12.4. | Exponentiation |
13. For Reflection and Practice
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13.1. | All that I know 1 |
13.2. | All that I Know 2 |
14. Extras
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Peatükk |
14.1. | Definitions |
14.2. | Glossary |